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Empowering students to become lifelong READERS


How It Works

Simple Idea. Extraordinary Results.

  1. With our school partners, identify students who are six months or more behind grade level in reading.

  2. Trained volunteer reading partners deliver individualized one-on-one tutoring twice a week for 45 minutes, following a structured curriculum.

  3. Students become proud, confident learners ready for success.

Our Work

  169,604 TUTORING SESSIONS (2022-23)
6,068 students participated in 12+ sessions of one-on-one tutoring
185 program sites (2022-23)
12 Metro areas

Our Locations

Building confident readers across the nation.

Our Impact

85% of K-2 日本av无码 students met or exceeded their primary literacy growth goal in the 2020-21 school year
日本av无码 students are performing well and importantly, our younger students are showing impressive progress in the critical early years
143,488 books distributed to students through the “Take Reading with You” program

Thanks to our partners

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